Banda - Short Bus Pile Up
Disco - We Keep the Dancefloor Dirty with Bottles and Shit
Año - (2006)
Genero - Death Metal / Cybergrind
Pais - Estados Unidos
1. My Undertongue Is Raw due to Cunniligus
2. Warning! Do not Attempt to Stop Chainsaw with Hand or Genitals
3. Jiz Gizzard
4. White Collar Love Song
5. Interlude (The Beauty in all Us Metal Kids)
6. Candy Coated BJ's
7. Suturing the Fuckhole
8. Remember That Time We Stomped That Dead Dear Carcass
9. I Have Erectile Disfunction Now Thanks to Lorraina Bobbit
10. Vasoconstrictor
11. OBW Cover II. Do My Crossword Puzzles in Pen

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