Banda: Namek
Album: Vaginator
Genero: Pornogore/grind
Pais: Portugal
Año: 2006
1. Intro2. Scatological Nazi Bitch
3. Vaginator
4. Relics of Vaginal Obliteration
5. Vomitwarp
6. Plasmopussy
7. Transvaginalapocalypse
8. Interlude
9. The Robocock
10. Rergurgitated Leftovers
11. V.U.L.V.A.
12. Celophane Wermacht
13. Psychosadistic Genital Masticator
14. Carniwhore
15. Rancid Discharge of Cryptosexual Fluids
16. Whoregasmatron
17. Supersonic Coprophagist
18. To Mega Clitheron

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